Riven The Sequel To Myst Cheats
If you have solved the mysteries of Myst you will understand the background to Riven. If not it is of no matter, the adventure is complete in itself. This walkthrough.
Metzomagic.com WalkthroughRiven Developer: CyanPublisher: Red OrbWalkthrough by Steve Metzler (1997)Riven, the sequel to Myst, is much larger than itspredecessor. This walkthrough takes you on one of the shorterpaths through the game, but you may wish to stray from this pathoccasionally, in order that you might take in all of the sightsand sounds that Riven has to offer.I did quite enjoy solving the puzzles in this game. Some ofthem are very challenging. Which is presumably why you'rereading this in the first place. Well, I shan't delay you anylonger. Here we go!TipsBefore you do anything else, download, unzip, and executethe(because this file can be quite difficult to find on the web these days,we have archived it here for you:-)This patch fixes problems with FMV clips that play twice.
It alsofixes a problem later on that would prevent you finishing thegame! And.Warning: don't mess with the cone-shaped device until the veryend of the game, or you'll be sorry!'
Super Dome' IslandYou begin the quest to rescue Atrus' beloved Catherine as Atruspacks you off to Riven using his hypnotic little book.Immediately, you find yourself transported into a tiny prisoncell. There is no apparent way out. A loquacious nativeeventually appears.
He wrests the Prison Book, the one you'resupposed to use to trap 'Gehn' with, away from you through thebars of the cell. He is then struck down (by a dart?) anddragged away. His assailant sets you free.Directly in front of you is a strange cone-shapeddevice. Walk forward and have a look.
Note the pipe going intothe rockface. It powers the device. Turn around, go back pastthe prison cell, and up the steps next to the cliff.
When youreach the top of the steps (where a narrow bridge spans the seaahead of you) turn left twice. Go through the doorway into thepentagonal room, and have a look through the portcullis thatblocks the other doorway. There's a walkway there that spans thechasm next to the cone-shaped device. The object of your firstpuzzle is to open that portcullis so you can cross the walkway.Easier said than done! You might want to try to work this oneout yourself first, because it's quite an ingenious puzzle.
Youcan figure quite a few things out by looking through thepinholes in the concave portions of the walls as the room isrotated. If you get stuck, the solution is as follows:Exit the room and turn around.
Press the button located onthe wall to the right 4 times. The room rotates one positionclockwise each time.
It's pentagonal in shape, so it will rotateto 5 possible positions, aligning the 2 doors to differentpositions each time. Now you have to find another way in! Turnaround, and go left down the other side of the cliff steps. Whenyou arrive at the bottom, turn to the left twice and you willencounter a locked gate. At first, it appears that you require akey, but you can crawl under the gate by clicking when the handcursor is toward the bottom of the screen.Enter the pentagonal room and head through the oppositedoorway. Go to the pipes and look up to see the steam escapingfrom the top of the vertical pipe. Throw the switch, and thesteam is now diverted to the(note the symbol for it on the plate above the switch).
Turnaround and head back for the doorway. Push the button on theright hand wall twice, then flip the switch on the left handside of the doorway to the up position. You'll see theportcullis in the opposite doorway rise. Head through the newlyopened portcullis (a bronze door setinto the cave wall still blocks your path) and turn to the left.Press the button on the wall twice, then turn to the left andflip the switch on the left-hand side of the doorway to the upposition. This action causes the portcullis which blocks thedoor to the chasm walkway (which you can't see at the moment) toopen.
Now we just have to get back there! Head through theopposite doorway, to wind up where you began this exercise.
Thenturn around, press the button on the wall twice, and headthrough the now open portcullis to find yourself on the walkwayacross the chasm. Whew!Cross the walkway and enter the golden dome. Continuefollowing the walkway through the dome until you emerge outsideagain.
As you continue along the path, on your left you see a steamswitch at the end of a small promontory. Throw this switch. Itpowers a section of bridge you will need to lower in order toget back to the dome later on!
Turn around and continue alongthe pathway in the direction you were originally headed. Justbefore you enter a tunnel, there is a sort of liftyou can stand on. If you turn to the right, there's a button onthe wall, but it doesn't work yet. Continue on through thetunnel and throw the steam switch located on a smallbalcony at the end.
Then turn around and go all the way backthrough the dome. Just before you exit the dome, you can trythrowing the switch on the wall next to the entrance. It raisesand lowers the chasm walkway. The steam switch on the powers it. Go back through the pentagonal room andcross the walkway over the sea that is directly in front of you.Proceed into the tunnel.
Halfway through the tunnel is a doorset into the wall to the left. Enter, and look through the portholeto the right. Throw the switch on the wall, and you see a dooropening somewhere.
Exit this room, and continue on down thetunnel. Open the door at the end of the tunnel and proceed intothe temple. Exit via the door to the right (which you saw beingopened while looking through the ).Push the button on the gizmo to the right of the metal steps.
Arail car pulls up as a result. Get into the car, sit in thedriver's seat, and hit the rotary switch to turn the car around.Then throw the knife switch to move the car forward. Enjoy therollercoaster style journey to the next island.Island of the Wooden EyesExit the car and head to the right. You'll see a small orb thatresembles an eye carved from wood protruding from a rockface.Touching the orb causes it to rotate, revealing a symbol on thereverse side. Make a note of this symbol (hey, it's awalkthrough, but you have to do some work yourself. Don't worry.There'll be a re-cap later on in case you miss something)! Alsonote the animal sound that is made whenthe orb rotates.
Turn around and go into the cave. Head up thesteps. After going up a few steps, turn around and note the animalshape formed by the mouth of the cave, the eye of the animalbeing the wooden orb you just found. Turn around again, keepgoing up, then proceed downwards after you exit the cave.Below, you see two creatures sunning themselves on a rock ina small alcove. You should only move forward when their headsare down, or they will flee! If you get close enough beforescaring them away, one of them makes a strange sounding bellow(sounds like.
The significance of this sound willbecome more apparent later on. Step off the walkway onto thebeach. Turn right and go all the way to the end of the alcove.Then turn left and head towards the rock in the water. Anotherwooden eye!
Again, note the note the symboland sound. The large rock itself is the animal's shape.
Returnto the walkway, and continue in the direction you wereproceeding before you stepped onto the beach. The steps headupwards into a cave. Go through the cave to emerge at a lake inthe middle of a crater. Head down the ladder, and touch thewooden eye in the basin to reveal another symbol.Remember the sound this creature makes. Turn the valve on theside of the basin, and it fills up with a bit of water thattakes the shape of the creature. There's another ladder leadingdown to the lake.
You may explore further if you wish, but thewalkway dead-ends at the lake and there is nothing more you cando here at the moment. So, turn around and head back up theladder. Go back through the cave, along the walkway by thebeach, and this time head up the steps and go all the way to thetop of the hill. Cross the wooden bridge, and you wind up on astone path (actually, a trough!) in an area with a lot of treestumps. Head for the wooden door set between two trees directlyin front of you. Go through the door, and down the steps.
Justafter passing through the first tree, turn to the left. Leavethe path and go down the small steps amongst the luminescent mushrooms.Advance forward a few times to find another wooden eye. This onedoesn't have an animal shape associated with it, but it doeshave a!
Note the symbol.Then return to the path and continue in the direction you wereheaded before you made this detour.Enter a second tree, and follow the Y to the right, downanother set of steps. At the end of the path, just before youreach a totem-like statue, are a pair of lamps. When you arestanding right between the lamps, pressing the small button atopthe lamp on the right opens the mouth of the statue. Proceedinto the statue until you cannot advance further and you areautomatically turned around.
Flip the lever on your right to theupward position. The door of the statue closes, and you areconveyed upwards to a series of metal catwalks. Exit the tree,then make the first right. In front of you is a spinning metaldome. To stop it spinning, look through the eyepiece of thedevice at the end of the catwalk. You have to press the buttonjust before the yellow symbol appears in the eyepiece. Make anote of the symbol for later reference (Note: if you didn'tmanage to note the symbol on the first go, you can start thedome spinning again by pressing the button on top of thedevice)!
Once you have stopped the dome spinning, go to it viathe catwalk. Have a look at the device in the centre of thedome. You see a book through the glass, but you don't have thecode to open the device yet. Turn around, then head up the metalsteps to the left. Enter the chamber at the top, and sit in thechair between the two levers.
Hit the left hand lever. The topof the chamber opens and the chair rises. You are now at thevery top of this island. Look down to see the lake which youvisited earlier.
Hit the lever on the right to close the aperturein the platform below. You are going there shortly. Hit the lefthand lever again to lower the chair, and then exit the chamber.Go all the way back past the dome, and into the tree lift again.Move the lever downwards to operate the lift. Next, hit thelever on the left to open the door of the statue's mouth again.Go back outside, and when you enter the tree with the dome atopit, follow the Y to the right.
Go up the steps and through thewooden gate onto a wooden catwalk. Turn to the right, andproceed through a cave all the way down to the lake.Follow the wooden walkway around the edge of the lake, andhead up the ladder. At the top of the ladder is a dwelling.Follow the walkway around the left-hand side of the dwelling,and go up another ladder. At the end of the next walkway is ametal submarine perched on the edge of acliff. Hit the lever on your left to lower the sub into thelake. Now we have to make our way back to the sub.
Are we havingfun yet? So, go back down to the lake, up through the cave, ontothe stone trough pathway, across the wooden bridge, down thesteps to the walkway along the beach, into the cave, and downthe two ladders to reach the sub! You might want to save thegame here, then play around with the sub for a while. Trydocking at a few stations. Anyway, here's the shortest way toaccomplish things here (from the sub's original position):Once inside the sub, hit the rotary switch to turn the subaround. Then hit the lever on your right to advance, and thenonce again. Exit the sub here, and proceed up the metals rungsset into the side of the cliff.
When you emerge into the room atthe top, note the position of the 5 switches in front of you.They control the positions of the ladders at the various subdocking stations. Flip the 3 switches that are pointing downwardto the upward position. Now all 5 ladders are in the water andyou can dock anywhere you please. Go back down to the sub. Hitthe rotary switch to turn the sub around. Then hit the lever tothe right to advance forward. Now you are at a junction.
Movethe slider switch over to the left to select the left handtrack. Move forward again, and exit the sub when it halts. We'regoing to school! As you enter theclassroom, turn to your left and get close to the execution'toy'. Each time you pull the ring on the toy, one of thehanging figures drops down a random number of notches (until thebig fish at the bottom eventually gets him.
Thecorresponding number in the Rivenese system appears in a windowat the bottom of the toy. Operate the toy until you have learnedto count from 1 to 10, making note ofthe.At this juncture, it would be a good idea to match the symbolsyou found on those wooden eyes to the numbers you have justlearned. Finished with classroom activities for today, andsatisfied that you have indeed learned something useful, headback out to the sub.Hit the rotary switch to turn the sub around. Then moveforward. At the next junction, make sure the slider switch isstill to the left to select the left hand track, and advanceagain. Exit the sub, and make your way to the centre of thestrange platform (but only if you ).
Pull the triangular handle to lower the harness,then climb on the harness and take a ride to the top. Have alook at the prisoner in the cell there. Don't bother to open thecell yet, as you don't have enough information to progressfurther once you have done so.
For now, follow the metal catwalkdownwards. Lower the ladder at the end ofthe catwalk, and climb down to the wooden walkway that skirtsthe lake. Then turn around and head back through the cave to thetop of the hill. Bear to the left when you reach the stonetrough path, and head past the stump with an axe stuck in it.Have a good look across the water to the two islands connectedby a footbridge. You'll be heading for that shortly.
Go downinto the hole at the end of the trough, and hit the lever onyour left. Enjoy the trip through the water, which is held atbay by a tunnel of magical golden bands.Boiler House IslandYou arrive, after having been unceremoniously dumped from yourconveyance, on a platform overlooking a lake set in a crater.Head down the ladder to the beach, then proceed to the centre ofthe lake via the catwalk. Move the valveyou find there towards you to the next (middle) position, thenhead for the boiler house. Note the blue flames at the base ofthe boiler. You'll have to turn them off before you can goinside:Head up the steps to the boiler, turn left, go to the back ofthe boiler, and turn right to face the boiler. Turning the valveon the right extinguishes the flames.
Then turn the wheel on theleft to drain the boiler. Turn to the left, and move that valveto divert power to the grate which is inside the boiler. Thenturn to the right once more, and push up the lever to elevatethe grate. Now you may enter the boiler via the front door.Once inside the boiler, head down the central ladder andthrough a dark tunnel. Continue up the ladder to emerge at theend of a pipe overlooking the sea.
Climb down from the pipe, andfollow the path over the crest of the hill to the top of thecrater. Continue downwards to the balcony which overlooks thelake. Open the trap door set in the floor of the balcony to giveyourself access back to the lake.
Head down the ladder to thebeach, go around the boiler house, and out onto the catwalk tothe centre of the lake again. Turn theupwards to the position it originally occupied. Head back up tothe balcony, open the double doors, and enter. Proceed to theend of the catwalk. There is a strange device here that lookssomething like an inverted colander. Lookupwards, and you will see a rapidly rotating fan.You'll need to turn off this fan in order to gain access to theventilation shaft. Turn around, and head back towards the doubledoors.
Close them from the inside to reveal two hidden passages.Nasty trick, that! Take the left hand passage and go down thesteps.
Open the door at the bottom of the steps to revealanother spinning dome. Move forward through the open door, thenturn around immediately and close the door from the inside toreveal another hidden passage! Head down this passage, and yousee the device that will enable you to stop this dome spinning.Look through the eyepiece of the device, and try to depress thebutton just before the symbol turns yellow. Memorise this symbolfor later on. Now, exit the hidden passage and walk up to thedome. Then look upwards.
Note the large holein the ceiling here. This is another important piece ofinformation.Head back up the stairs, and continue straight through whenyou reach the top. You wind up on another walkway along the edgeof the crater. About halfway down the walkway as you approach abuilding in the distance, there is a lever off to the right witha cable running through it. Throwing this lever turns off the.
Now, head back to the end of the catwalk where theand fan are located. Time to catch some frogs!
Open the colander(it's a frog trap, actually) via the handle at the top. Thentake a pellet from the cup on the right, and place it in thedepression in the centre of the open trap. Don't close the trap!Move the large lever on the left of the trap to lower it. Wait awhile until you hear the trap spring shut, then press the leveragain to raise the trap. Opening the trap reveals a brightlycoloured frog. The sound made by the frog before itescapes is one you heard. Whenyou are finished catching frogs, look upwards to see the nowidle fan.
Click on it to start climbing up the ventilationshaft. At the other end of the shaft, move the grating and climbdown into the laboratory. Lots of interesting trivia to viewhere.Nothing is really important in the lab with the exception ofthe book (Gehn's journal) immediatelyin front of you. Open it and have a good read. Of special noteis the combination which has been placed on the central devicesinside those domes you have been opening:Remember how you learned the Rivenese number system in the?Their number system is a base 25 system (whereas ours is base10).
We know that 5 = a rotated '1', and 10 = a rotated '2', sowhat might 15 look like? Well, theylook. So, now you should have enough information totranslate the sequence of 5 numberswritten down in intoour own number system. For example: the number '19' would beconstructed by combining the symbols for '15' and '4'. Notparticularly useful right now, but take note of it for later on(Warning: the sequence is different for every run of the game,so you'll have to figure this out on your own.
Tricky devils)!Exit the lab via the front door (the back door leads down toanother rail car station) and head to the right. Lo and behold!A way back to the 'Super Dome' on the island where you beganthis adventure. Cross the long expanse of footbridge and flipthe lever on the right towards the end to lower the finalsection of the bridge. This action will only be possible if youthrew the down below earlieron. If you neglected to do so.
Well, it's a long way back -but such is the life of an intrepid adventurer!Meanwhile, Back at the DomeYou're back on the island where you began this little adventure.This time, however, you have a chance to tidy up some of thoseloose ends that we left dangling earlier on! Proceed onto themetal catwalk inside the dome, and make the first left to gooutside again. A gap in the walkway!
Turn around, and press thebutton on the wall. The, which wasinoperable from below, rises to bridge the gap. Cross over thelift and head around the bend in the walkway.
To your left, notethe spinning dome below. At the end of the walkway, hit thelever on the right to raise the. You can begin to see how all these places are relatednow! It's the pentagonal room again. Don't bother to rotate itagain just now.
Instead, turn around and go back to the dome.Enter the dome, head to the left, and rotate the wheel at theend of this section of the catwalk to finally hook up all thebits of the catwalk! Now, follow the catwalk to the bottom ofthe dome and go outside. Follow the path until you come to theplace (just before the tunnel) where the lift was. It has beenreplaced by another lift.
Turn to the right, and press thebutton on the wall to take the lift down. Turn around, andfollow the stairs up to the device in front of the spinningdome. Look through the eyepiece. Once again, depress the buttonjust prior to the symbol turning yellow, and make a note of thesymbol.
Turn around, go back up the lift, along the walkway intothe dome, and up to the top level of the catwalk inside thedome. Make the first right, and hit the lever on the inside wallto raise the walkway across the chasm.
This action will save yousome time later on. Now, turn around, head back out the seconddoorway to the right, and over the water across the longfootbridge to the previous island. Enter the lab through thefront door, turn around and press the button on the gizmo nextto the door to summon a rail car. Exit via the back door of thelab to find the waiting rail car at the bottom of the stairs.New destination ho!' Finally, a Map!'
IslandWhen you reach the new island, exit the rail car, head throughthe doorway, and up the steps outside. You arrive at the edge ofa strange lake (don't worry. No real elephants were used in themaking of this adventure)! Enter the building in the centre ofthe lake (head through the crack in the wall, and upwards in alift). Walk forward onto the platform that overlooks. A mapof the five islands of Riven! You haven't visited the small oneon the upper right-hand side yet.
Each time you depress a buttonon the panel in front of you, the water on top of thecorresponding island changes shape to match the contour of thatisland. Before you proceed any further, make sure you know whichof the actual islands you visited corresponds to each of therough angular shapes on the panel. Looking straight ahead, andthen to the right, ought to do the trick (look for features thatyou recognise on each of the distant islands)! Then, for each ofthe islands in turn:.
Press the button for the island. Turn around, and head into the mushroom-shaped structurelocated in the middle of the water (on your way there, youcan see to your left the spinning dome on this island.
Makea mental note of where it is located on the island. You'llneed this information shortly).
Under a magnifying glass, you'll see the correspondingisland shape of the button you pressed outside. On each of the islands you have previously visited, try toremember where the spinning dome was. Press that area on theisland shape under the magnifying glass.
A 3D relief map ofthe area will pop up. You may rotate your view of it byusing the handle on the magnifying glass.
Try to locate arepresentation of a spinning dome in the area you haveselected. You may have to try several areas on each islandif you're not sure where the dome was located!. Make note of: which area on each island you located thedome in, and where exactly it is on the 5 x 5 grid for thearea. I have made a drawing here for each island if you getstuck:Now, head around the catwalk until you find the device thatwill allow you to stop the dome here from spinning. This time,you can't get a clear sighting of the symbol that turns yellow!Well, you'll have to do without this information.
Okay, now backdown to the rail car. Get into the car, just turn it around(don't move it forward), and get out the other side! Open thedoor, and head towards the end of the hall. Hit the lever onyour left to summons a very strange lift. Take it down to thefloor below.
Exit the lift, go through a doorway, and onto apath. Follow the path straight ahead through another doorway, upsome steps, and sit on the throne (pun intended)!
Press thebutton on the lever to your right to rotate the throne intoposition. Then hit the lever on your right. A viewing deviceflips down. Look into it. Now you have to match spinning domesymbols to colours. The symbols on the six positions of thewheel correspond to spinning dome symbols.
We only know three ofthem at thisstage.Exit this view, and hit the lever on the right again toretract the viewing device. Hit the lever on the left this time,and another viewing device drops into place. If you press thehexagonal button on the left hand side of this device (you mayhave to try this a few times), you'll eventually see a womanappear in the room being viewed.
This can only be Catherine,held captive somewhere! Now, hit the hexagonal button on theright. As you press the tabs on the outside of the viewingdevice, your view will cycle through various vantage points ofthe lake on the Island of the Wooden Eyes. Keep going until yousee an animal shape. Take note of thisshape, because it's the missing fifth animal shape which youcouldn't see when you were on the Island of the Wooden Eyesearlier!You're finished here, so retract the viewing device, and hitthe button to rotate the throne back to its original position.Head back down the path and make the first right into a rail carstation. Use the rail car to return to the Island of WoodenEyes.Island of the Wooden EyesRevisitedExit the rail car, and head through the door into the lift.
Yes,you've been here before! Take the lift up one level, then hitthe lever on the left to open the statue's mouth. Go up thesteps, and take the right hand fork of the Y in the tree. Headup the stairs, open the wooden gate, and make a right onto thewooden catwalk. Follow the path down to the lake, and climb upthe which you lowered earlier.
Freethe prisoner by pushing the button on the wall to the right ofthe cell. Hey, where did he go?
Opening the circular grating onthe floor of the cell and clicking on the water produces ahidden switch. This switch causes a secret door set into thewall of the cell to retract. Enter the new opening, head intothe dark tunnel, and proceed through 6 completely black framesuntil you emerge from the darkness again. The tunnel dead-endsat a body of water. Protruding from the left-hand wall of thetunnel is a stick. Pull it to turn on a light (Note: if you havenot installed the 1.02 Upgrade, simultaneously banging on theAlt key while clicking on the stick will get you over this one)!Turn around, and proceed back the way you came, turning onlights (that have magically appeared!) along the way. When youpass through a doorway, turn around and open the newlydiscovered door to your right.
Proceed through it into a large circularchamber.You should now have enough information to solve this puzzle.You have to push down 5 of the stones in the correct order.Well, remember the wooden eyes? Each one (with a singleexception) had a Rivenese number and an animal shape associatedwith it.When you have pressed the stones in the correct order, aniche in the wall opens. It contains a linking book. To where?Open it and touch the pretty picture to find out!Prisoner of the MoeityWhen you arrive at this strange place, turn around and head intothe cave. As you approach the idol in front of you, two of thelocals sneak up behind you and zap you with one of their noxiouslittle darts.
You wake up momentarily as you're beingtransported across the lake in a boat. The next time you wake,it's in a cell. Walk up to the wooden door of the cell and takea look outside. Then go have a look out the back window. As youreturn to the centre of the room having looked out the backwindow, you should be visited by a confidante of Catherine's.She presents you with Catherine'sjournal, and the Prison Book which Atrus gave you to trap Gehnwith.
It was taken from you at the very beginning of the game.You may save the game here and try using the Prison book - ifyou desire a sneak preview of the credits! This is the firstpossible game ending, and quite an undesirable one. But it givesyou a good idea of the book's purpose. Hey, wouldn't it be greatto be able to save off your day before you went to work orschool in the morning, in case. But I digress.Have a good read of Catherine's journal.
It contains a notethat repeats what Atrus told you at the outset, just so youremember what you're supposed to be doing! If you're not asleepyet, a good distance through the journal are some handy tips foroperating the cone-shaped device. Write down the 5 number combination(Warning: the combination is different for every run of thegame, so you'll have to figure this out on your own!) foropening the portal underneath the device, and note the referenceto a 'stop' on the left hand side of the device. Some time afteryou have finished reading the journal, the girl returns. Thistime, she presents you with a useful linking book. The oneback to the.
Gofor it!Finding Your MarblesOkay, the end is rapidly approaching! One last big puzzle. Headback to the very top of this island, where the tree stumps arelocated.
Head past the stump with the axe in it, and ride thecar through the strange tunnel back to Boiler House Island. Goaround the boiler house, and up the ladder to the balcony above.Head through the double doors, then close the doors and gothrough the right-hand passage, along the walkway past Gehn'slaboratory, and over the long footbridge back to the 'SuperDome'. Enter the dome, then make the first left and go backoutside again (be sure the chasm walkway bridge has been raised,first!). Head through the pentagonal room, then turn around andpress the button twice so that the room is rotated to allowaccess to the chasm walkway.
Go through the room and up the nowelevated chasm walkway to the very top of the 'Super Dome'.Have a good look at the grid in the centre of the walkway(the 5 Riven island shapes again!), and note the 6 colouredmarbles lined up next to the grid. Well, we can deduce somethingstraight away from this! The last marble is the colour violet,and we haven't seen that colour before.
So, it must be thecolour of the broken light, and thus, the colour correspondingto Boiler House Island! The solution to this puzzle concernsplacing the coloured marbles on the grid so they occupy theexact positions of the spinning domes on the 5 islands. Farming simulator 2013 mods. We knowall 5 positions, and 3 colours with certainty, so a bit ofguesswork is required. Each time you have placed the marbles,turn around, walk forward one frame, then turn around again andpull the lever located on the wall to the right. After thedevice has locked into position, press the white button locatedabove the lever. If you hear a deep rumble, you've hit paydirt!If not, raise the lever and try placing the marbles differently.You're trying to fill the 2 remaining positions with 3 marblesto choose from, so it would be a good idea to keep a record ofwhat you're doing!
Have a decent go at it (it's a fun puzzle!),but if you getstuck.Now that you've solved the marble puzzle, the spinning domeshave power! You may have tried opening the domes previously,using the combination from Gehn's journal. If you did this, youwould have noticed that the books inside were unusable. Well,they aren't unusable any longer!
Find your way back to thespinning dome on this island, and move the 5 slider pieces tothe you figured out from. The interior part of the dome opens. Touch thebook, watch the nice FMV sequence, then touch the picture.and we're off to see The Wizard!GehnImprisoned again! And none of those linking books which you canreach through the bars have power. Press the button on thesquare panel to summons Gehn. After listening to a longmonologue, touch the Prison Book when Gehn offers it to you.Congratulations!
Atrus' plan worked and you've managed to trapGehn (far too easily, I thought)! You take his place outside thebars. Turn to the right and head down the manhole in the floor.It's Gehn's room. On the table next to the bed is a small silverglobe.
Touching it causes a sequence of sounds to be played. Youshould save the game here, because you will invariably need toplay the sequence a few times later on in order to solve apuzzle. Exit Gehn's room, and hit the lever on the sphericalboiler. This device powers the books! Now, find the switch onthe window sill that retracts the bars of the cage. Find thelinking book with one square on it, and use it.CatherineExit the dome by pressing the button on the floor. Then crossthe walkway, enter the building, and stand in the cage.
See thethree switches on the wall? You have to strike these toreproduce the sequence of sounds you just heard from the in Gehn's room (Warning: The sequence isdifferent for each run of the game, so I can't help you muchhere. But, I think it's always some combination of exactly 5strikes)!
Then hit the lever to roll back the cage. If all goeswell, you've just rescued Catherine!
She tells you to signalAtrus by using the cone-shaped device on the fissure. Well, youhave all the information you need. What are you waiting for?Catherine used the dome, so you'll have to stop it spinningagain before you can follow.
Travel back to Gehn's place, thenuse the 'Super Dome' Island linking book to return there (again,you will have to undo some things which Catherine changed whenshe went ahead of you).The Star FissureI trust by now you can make it to the cone-shaped device on yourown. First thing to do here is look at the lower leftleg of the rig the device is sitting in. There's a stop pinthere (which Catherine hinted at in her )!Flip it upwards. Then use thewhich you also found in Catherine's journal to open the portalunderneath the device (Note: a '2' in the combination wouldrepresent the second button from the left on the portal). Flipthe lever on the right downwards, then keep hitting the buttonuntil the device shatters the glass that protects The StarFissure.
If you've done everything correctly up to this point,then you have managed to save the day! Atrus and Catherine arere-united (if you tried to open the portal and lower the deviceearlier without rescuing Catherine first. Hope youhave a saved game somewhere before that)! As Riven destroysitself, you dive into The Star Fissure and follow that book!Copyright © Steve Metzler 1997, 2002. All rights reserved.
atom = 1 x 10 -10 meters. Well, as shown in Figure 1, we're talking very, very tiny. How small are we talking? nucleus = 1 x 10 -15 to 1 x 10 -14meters. Blocks that matter gameplay.
You stand alone on the rocky shore of an island where, in the distance, you see strange and wonderful devices luring you forward.
It has been long since you unlocked the puzzles of Myst Island and freed Atrus from the prison of D'ni. A new test and new challenges await you. The world of Riven beckons..
Continuing from where Myst left off, Riven involves the Player (you) solving puzzles in a fantasy-style world to try and discover the mysteries behind the inhabitants. Can YOU find the mystery behind the people of Riven?
- First-Person view adds realism to the game.
- High-quality images, audio, and animation.
- High interactivity has you using sight and sound to solve puzzles.
Hardware Requirements
Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 95
Processor: Pentium 100 MHz or faster
Video Card: DirectX compatible video card
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound device
Hard Disk Space: 75 MB hard disk space
CD-ROM: 4X CD-ROM drive