Parcel Search
Most functions on this website, including paying your current taxes and filing an assessment complaint, require you to first search for a parcel by parcel number, owner name, or property address. Once you have found the parcel that you are interested in, use the drop down navigation in the Action field on the results screen to get started.
Nfl 100 madden 20 challenges. Accuracy of InformationYou may use Denver's Assessment and Taxation System to search property assessmentand tax data. You can obtain information about a property by entering an address,Parcel ID or schedule number. Information on this site isupdated daily.
The City and County of Denver makes every effort to provide the mostcurrent and accurate information possible on this site. However, no warranties,expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein or for its interpretation.Data displayed during October through JanuaryDuring the month of October or November of each year, the annual tax lien sale is conducted,and additional fees and amounts may be due that are not reflected on this site.Please call (720) 913-9300 to obtain the correct amount due.During the months of December and early January of each year, the Treasury Division staffis in the process of finalizing the Property Tax Roll Information. During these months,online viewing is only available for property taxes. Properties may be subject to othercharges such as maintenance district fees, service lien fees and business improvement fees,which may or may not reflect on the information provided in this site during these months.Please call (720) 913-9300 to obtain the correct amount due.Failure to receive a tax statement or an electronic statement does not excuseanyone from paying taxes, interest, and penalties when due.
Accuracy of Information
You may use Denver's Assessment and Taxation System to search property assessment and tax data. You can obtain information about a property by entering an address, Parcel ID or schedule number. Information on this site is updated daily. The City and County of Denver makes every effort to provide the most current and accurate information possible on this site. However, no warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein or for its interpretation.
Data displayed during October through January
During the month of October or November of each year, the annual tax lien sale is conducted, and additional fees and amounts may be due that are not reflected on this site. Please call (720) 913-9300 to obtain the correct amount due.
During the months of December and early January of each year, the Treasury Division staff is in the process of finalizing the Property Tax Roll Information. During these months, online viewing is only available for property taxes. Properties may be subject to other charges such as maintenance district fees, service lien fees and business improvement fees, which may or may not reflect on the information provided in this site during these months. Please call (720) 913-9300 to obtain the correct amount due.
Failure to receive a tax statement or an electronic statement does not excuse anyone from paying taxes, interest, and penalties when due.