Plantera Terraria Wiki
Plantera's ReinCarnation is an NPC that spawns in the front of the jungle temple when you kill plantera. They are similar to the dryad but she is rooted in place, literally. You can dig her up and move her to the surface if you use a bucket on her. She will offer help about the temple and will. As many of you know, the expert mode bosses in Terraria recieved new mechanics:.Increased health,.Damage,.and of course - Treasure Bags! One of the more contoversial bosses is of course Plantera, with an insanely hard to survive 2nd stage.
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What would you all say is the best weapon(s) for Plantera would be? Looking at the list of weapons page, when I filter it to everything under or at rarity 6 (pre-plantera) and sort by DPS, it seems like the top one (besides coin gun with platinum coins, as it is too expensive for probably everyone) is a VERY obvious choice, as has 1348 DPS, which is over twice the second highest (besides coin gun with gold coins, as that is still moderately expensive) the fetid bagnahks at 600, and over four times as much as the third (bananarang, at 343) and many subsequent weapons. However, it isn't listed under plantera strategies, (as well as the bananarang, and poison staff (329dps) ) It even has a relatively small amount of mana, at only 6 mana per 3 tentacles.
Am I missing something here or something? Other weapons like the Death Sickle, Uzi, Chlorophyte Partisan, and Mushroom spear, all have sub 200 DPS, and they are still recommended.Why do you think this is so? And what do you recommend for Plantera?. One of the factors some weapons aren't recommended is either they don't behave well in tight environments or are just too rare to be practical(Coin gun, Bananarangs). (You are also missing what you report as the top non coin gun weapon) If it is the Shadowflame hex doll(has the matching DPS value and the aformentioned tentacles) then its flaw is the extreamly short range which combined with Plantera's high damage potential and mage's extremely poor armor make it borderline suicidal to actually use.Fetid Bagnahks as a melee weapon fares a little better despite similar rage as it is a melee weapon so the player can stack armor and attack speed to Out DPS Plantera before Plantera kills the player.
Mages can't do this again due to very crappy base defense and the mana limitations w/ stacking mana sickness debuffs nerfing the DPS.Death Sickle, Chlorophyte Partisan, and Mushroom spear are used for their wall bypassing properties allowing the player to hunt down plantera from the other side of a wall which is particularly useful against non expert plantera but still useful against expert plantera just to a lesser extent.The Uzi is recommended for the same reason as the Mega Shark. As a ranged weapon you need to account for ammo choice so it is deceptively more effective.The point is DPS isn't the sole factor you need to ask what gear is needed to help the weapon reach its full potential? What range is it most effective?Personal recommendations:MeleeTurtle armor or Frost armorChoice of the followingfetid bagnahks(requires far more buff/accessory support than other options and turtle is basically mandatory)Terra BladeDeath Sickle/Mushroom Spear/Chlorophyte PartisanEye of CthulhuLight DisksRanged Frost or Titanium personally(I do not like Chlorophyte armor and tend to skip hallowed)Player choice among the following:Shadowflame Bow(Use eitehr w/ best base damage arrow(i.e. Cursed arrows) or endless quiverDaedalus Storm Bow (particularly holy arrows or Hellfire arrows note requires sufficient space i.e. A large cavern to use )Chloropyte Shot Bow non piercing arrows recommended such as ichor arrows /cursed arrows/or hellfire arrows I never bother with Chlorphyte arrowsMegashark with choice between crystal bullets Chloropyte bullets or Ichor bulletsUzi with choice between crystal bullets Chloropyte bullets or Ichor bulletsOnyx Blaster with choice between crystal bullets Chloropyte bullets or Ichor bulletsDart Gun/Rifle with Crystal darts or ichor dartsFlamethrowerNot confident on the other classes versus this boss.
If you dont care about cheesing the fight a little, just use legendary fetit bhagnahks. Use endurance potion, ironskin, regen, and any other ones you think could help. Use the cross necklace to get hit way slower. For your other accessories, I would reccomend the frozen turtle shell and any melee damage boosting accessories. Use turtle armor.
Just break the bulb and grapple to the ground and start swinging. Plantera will pull herself right on top of you, and just dps race her. You may need to heal at least once in the fight, but it should always kill her before she kills you.