Boss Monster Wiki
The Boss Monster is a very powerful enemy in the first Zombotron game. Two also appear in Level 10 of Zombotron 2. They can shoot fire balls from their mouth. There are three boss monsters: Pink boss and Grey bosses.They are cousins but that is not confirmed, The older cousin is the Pink boss.
Bosses are aggressive, resilient that offer a substantial challenge to players. Defeating a boss is usually instrumental in advancing the game in some way. Each has its own particular way of being summoned. For example, most bosses have associated that can be used to spawn them manually under certain conditions, while there are others that will appear after the player interacts in a certain way with the environment. Bosses will only appear during their respective events and leave when the event ends.
Mini-bosses also exist and appear only during special events, expressing the same amount of difficulty as many normal bosses.Most bosses and mini-bosses can pass through of all types, with the exception of, body, the, and 's body.For all non-event bosses, with the exception of the, will appear when that boss is about to spawn or has already spawned. Upon spawning, its particular theme plays. During events, bosses and mini-bosses can appear multiple times and have no distinct spawn message. In the case of wave events like the and and the, status messages that appear at the start of each wave can indicate whether or not a certain boss or mini-boss will appear.
Defeating a non-event boss concludes with a congratulatory message and several reward items.On the, and, bosses will appear on the, each with an individual map icon. However, bosses will still appear as the standard purple blob that signifies enemies on the. Is a giant blue with 2,000 / health. It is summoned with a, after killing 150 slimes during a, or can also rarely appear in the outer thirds of the map completely by itself. As with all enemies that can spawn naturally, the King Slime has a better chance of spawning while standing near a placed or while under the effects of a. King Slime is a good challenge for a beginning player, and can be easily defeated by tactical use of terrain.On the, and versions, King Slime can teleport to the player if they get out of its reach for too long.King Slime does not provide access to game-advancing items upon defeat, but outside will drop one Gold, one or two piece(s) of, and one of several slime-related items.In, King Slime can summon, that are similar to the. The has a 1 in 3 chance of spawning at the beginning of each once the player has 200 HP or more, 3 or more living in houses, and over 10.
It will continue to do so until defeated for the first time. It has 2,800 / health in all. It can also be summoned using a at night. This is generally the first boss a player must face. It travels through, and spawns.In, the Eye of Cthulhu will do a fast chain dash in its second phase, using the attack more often the lower health it has. The chain dash attack will also scale in aggressiveness the same way. This can lead to it dashing almost continually at high velocity at very low health, making it especially difficult for players in the early game to finish it off.
The will appear after every third is broken or after is used. Shadow Orbs are found in, surrounded by, which requires a with 65% power or higher to mine, although or can be used to bypass this. Once within range, Shadow Orbs can be destroyed with a. The Eater of Worlds can only be summoned in worlds containing Corruption, and can be summoned at any time of the day.
If it manages to escape the Corruption, it will flee and disappear.The Eater of Worlds can be a challenge even for intermediate players, as it is a large enemy that travels through tiles, and is made up of multiple sections that can each attack separately (with separate heads, no less) when they are cut off. To defeat this boss, every section must be brought down to less than two body parts to be killed (the smallest possible section is a head and a tail with no body pieces). Due to how helpful corrupted items are, this will probably be the second boss faced in worlds that have Corruption, rather than those who have.Eater of Worlds is the only source of in the game, and drops a large amount of. They can be combined to make, but it can also be sold for almost 80000.8 per stack of 99, making this technically the best pre-hardmode boss for farming in the game.In, the boss is able to shoot dark-green projectiles at the player called, similar to those fired from, another Corruption exclusive enemy. The will appear after every third is broken or after a is used.
Crimson Hearts are found in 's chasms, surrounded by, which can be bypassed with the same methods can. However, some of the pockets containing these will generate open. Once within range, Crimson Hearts can be destroyed with a or any tile-breaking explosive. It can only be summoned in the Crimson and can be at any time of day.Brain of Cthulhu has only 1,000 / HP, giving it the lowest amount of HP out of any boss.
The Brain of Cthulhu has two forms. In the first form, the brain cannot be harmed, and will float around it. After all of these are killed, the Brain of Cthulhu will go into its second form, where it will teleport more frantically and move a lot faster, so a ranged weapon may be needed.
The Brain of Cthulhu's second attack form is ramming, like the second form of. Unlike most other bosses, the Brain of Cthulhu is not immune to.The Brain of Cthulhu is the only source of in the game (other than the creepers spawned while fighting it), and drops a large amount of, which are their equivalents to the corruption items.In, the Brain of Cthulhu will have more health, and in its second phase, it will start creating illusions of itself to charge at the player. The lower the Brain of Cthulhu's HP gets, the illusions become much less obvious to the point where they will look exactly like the real Brain of Cthulhu. Is summoned by destroying the Queen Bee's, encased within the walls of located in the. It can also be summoned by the use of an anywhere in the.
It is the only source of. Queen Bee is immune to.Queen Bee alternates between charging at the player, hovering above them whilst spawning, and moving left and right whilst shooting stingers. In, the rate at which it charges the player gets faster as it takes damage.Defeating Queen Bee will allow the to spawn; other than this, it doesn't advance the game in a major sense, but it does provide some decent loot that can further help the player prepare for the boss battle against the. Is summoned by speaking to the at the entrance of the and activating his curse at.

Skeletron will alternate between attacking the player with its hands and performing a spinning attack. Its hands can be attacked and defeated to make the battle easier, although this is not required. If it has not been defeated before the night is over, Skeletron will attack and kill the player in one hit, despawning afterwards.Defeating will stop the from spawning, allowing free access to the Dungeon. It can be summoned again by killing the with the equipped at night.In, the fight substantially increases in difficulty.
In the first phase, Skeletron's head is more resistant to damage until its hands are destroyed. Once they are destroyed, it will start shooting homing skulls at the player. Expert mode Skeletron is much faster.
Its hands inflict the, and its head inflicts. If the player gets caught by its head-spin attack, Skeletron can 'stun lock' them, and often kills very quickly unless the player can grapple out. The is summoned by throwing a into a pool of while the is alive. It is known by most players as the hardest boss, at 8,000 / health.
It is also considered the final boss of, because by defeating the it will irreversibly enable Hardmode in that given world. Its defeat will also allow the creation of the summoning items for various Hardmode bosses. It can drop several powerful items, one of them being the guaranteed drop which can be used to break or in order to spawn various game-advancing Hardmode, including: or, or, and or.Upon summoning the Wall of Flesh, the player will be afflicted with the, which prevents fleeing from the battle - any attempt to do so will result in severe damage via or instant death if the player tries to teleport away. The Wall of Flesh will then sweep across the map, moving faster as its HP gets lower.
It must be killed before it reaches the end of the map, otherwise it will despawn and any living players in the Underworld will die instantly. Additionally, the Wall of Flesh's eyes fire lasers, the fire speed increasing as it is damaged, its mouth burps Leeches that will chase the player, and it has small mouths attached to it called The Hungry, which will also move toward and damage the player.In, The Hungry will rapidly respawn, and the Wall of Flesh will greatly increase its movement speed when it has 500 HP remaining, matching the full speed of, so it is advised to wear the while fighting him in. The Hungry that quickly respawn will seemingly block the wall from attacks and can deal quite a bit of damage themselves. The faster the Wall of Flesh moves and the quicker the The Hungry respawn, the more the player will have to focus on dealing damage and moving across a decent terrain.
This can prove to be difficult to some players. Hardmode bossesbosses are significantly harder upgrades of and new additions to previous bosses. Defeating them is usually instrumental in advancing the game in some way.Each has its own particular way of being summoned, and warning messages appear whenever one is about to appear. Defeating a boss concludes with a congratulatory message and several items.During Hardmode, each night has a 10% chance of spawning one of the three that have not yet been defeated in the current world. This only happens after removing at least one from the world, so it may be advisable to refrain from doing so if the player is not ready for a challenging fight.
Are the Hardmode version of the. They spawn as two eyes, one with 20,000 / HP (Retinazer), and the other with 23,000 / HP (Spazmatism). Unlike the, they do not immediately transform at half health - Retinazer transforms at 8,000 HP and Spazmatism transforms at 9,000 HP. These values are increased in Expert mode.
The Twins are summoned using a at night. It is worth noting that The Twins will gain defense in their second forms, unlike the Eye of Cthulhu.The two eyes have different fighting styles. Spazmatism focuses on slamming into the player and firing cursed flames.
Once it reaches its second form, it will resemble a mechanical version of the Eye of Cthulhu's second form. It will deal a lot more damage, and the flames it shoots are more consistent like the instead of the, but the flames will still inflict debuff on the player.The other eye, Retinazer, focuses on shooting the player with Death Lasers like the 's Probes. Once it reaches its second form, it will replace its pupil with a laser cannon. During this form, it will shoot lasers extremely fast, sometimes having the same fire rate as a. The last Twin destroyed will drop all of the loot.In Retinazer's HP is, while Spazmatism's HP is. Spazmatism's charging attack will also be similar to the Eye of Cthulhu's chain dash ability in its second form, and Retinazer will shoot lasers almost as rapid as the Wall of Flesh at 500 HP. Is the Hardmode version of the, with 80,000 / HP.
It is considered the easiest Hardmode boss by many players, despite having the second-highest health. Although it is similar to its pre-Hardmode counterpart, the, it has some key differences: it won't divide into smaller segments, will shoot lasers from its body if space is available, and will deploy to attack.The Destroyer is summoned by crafting and using a anywhere, but can only be spawned at night. The Destroyer will shoot Death Lasers, increasing in attack speed as it loses HP. Weapons that do damage to multiple segments like, and the are recommended, because they will hit multiple sections of The Destroyer at once.In, The Destroyer shoots rapidly at the player when they have less than half of their maximum HP.
The head of The Destroyer can also deal damage as high as 280, crippling the player if they are hit head-on. Is a far more difficult Hardmode version of, with the head alone having 28,000 / HP. Instead of two hands, it has a vice, laser gun, saw, and cannon. With the head and all limbs combined, Skeletron Prime has 59,000 HP.
However, like Skeletron, only the head has to be defeated. Door slammers 2 game. Skeletron Prime can be summoned as many times per world as needed, by crafting and using a, but it can only be summoned at night. It is more mobile than its predecessor, and it regularly flies offscreen, making targeting more difficult. It is also worth noting that when its head spins, its increases, unlike Skeletron, whose defense is dropped to 0 when spinning.Skeletron Prime will drop and upon being defeated, which are both used to craft many kinds of armor and tools. Like Skeletron, if Prime is not killed before the night ends, it will spin and target the player, generally killing the player in one hit, and it will then despawn afterwards.In, Skeletron Prime will have health for the head, and doubled arm health. Skeletron Prime follows around the same guidelines as; it is less resistant to damage after its hands are destroyed, but its skull gains twice the amount of defense compared to normal mode Skeletron Prime when in its spinning attack.
Is summoned by destroying a, which is found in the after defeating all three. She has 30,000 / HP.
Star wars chess figures. If the player exits the Underground Jungle, Plantera becomes 'enraged', gaining a significant boost to her stats.Plantera has two stages. In her first stage, she clings to solid using vine-like hooks and fires Seeds (and eventually Poison Seeds), which are much like.
In her second stage, Plantera has increased speed and charges at the player. She will also release tendrils from her main body. In, the seeds can go through walls and the tendrils are attached to each hook instead (3 on each), adding approximately 9 tendrils.Once Plantera is defeated, the will automatically spawn more difficult Hardmode, such as the, and more varieties of loot can be dropped. Is summoned by using a at the in the. In order to access the Jungle Temple, Plantera must be defeated to obtain the. It has a total of 39,000 / HP.Golem has two phases. During the first phase, its two fists and its head can be attacked.
Like, destroying the fists is not needed, but can be helpful. Once the head's health is depleted, it begins flying above the body while shooting fireballs and eye beams, leaving the body open to attack. The body will jump around and punch madly in this phase. Defeating the body will defeat Golem. Is a shark-pig-dragon hybrid with 50,000 / health and 50 defense. It is summoned when a is used as bait with a higher-powered fishing rod in an biome.In its first stage, Duke Fishron will attempt to ram the player 5 times before either firing explosive bubbles or summoning Sharknados. In its second stage, Duke Fishron gains glowing eyes and a boost to attack and defense.
Although its ramming attacks remain the same, instead of shooting bubbles directly at the player, it flies quickly around in circles, sending bubbles everywhere. Instead of summoning Sharknados in this stage, Duke Fishron summons larger Cthulhunados. These remain in place until Duke Fishron is defeated.In, when Duke Fishron gets to low enough health, he enters its third phase. In this phase the screen turns dark. Duke Fishron becomes invisible, and only its glowing eyes are visible. He teleports and tries to ram the player with high speed few times, before he teleports again.
The is summoned by killing the four cultists, which spawn outside of the dungeon after Golem is defeated. When the Lunatic Cultist is defeated, the begin.While the Lunatic Cultist has only one stage, its attacks become more powerful as it loses health. The Lunatic Cultist flies around randomly, cycling between shooting fireballs, creating a ball which shoots lightning at the player, shooting a giant snowflake which shoots ice shards around it, shooting shadowflames, and shooting five destructible projectiles twice in a row. The Lunatic Cultist will also create fake copies of itself, which will summon a when damaged.
If a Phantasm Dragon is still alive and the player damages these copies, it will summon an instead. Waiting too long to attack the real Lunatic Cultist will also cause the or to be summoned.In, the Lunatic Cultist will spawn along with its other attacks. Is the final boss of Terraria as of version, and drops a majority of the endgame items, such as the.
It also drops the end-game, used to craft many endgame sets. He is summoned by defeating all four of the from the, or by using a. He has a combined health of 145,000 /, the most health of any boss in the game. He is considered to be the most difficult boss in the game.Moon Lord has two hands and a head which must be killed by attacking the eyes on them, and when killed will release invincible. When the three eyes are destroyed Moon Lord's core opens up on his chest, which must then be destroyed to defeat the boss.Moon Lord's hands shoot two projectiles at once which home onto the player, and summon phantom versions of the True Eye of Cthulhu and throwing them at the player. Moon Lord's top eye will occasionally fire a Phantasmal Deathray that will sweep across the entire screen.
Being very deadly to players, it can be avoided by hiding under solid or by trying to escape its wrath on a flying. When the True Eyes of Cthulhu are released, the places where they used to be will inflict minor contact damage. The True Eyes of Cthulhu will fire many of the same attacks as they did when they were still enclosed within Moon Lord, but be a little less damaging.In, Moon Lord's Phantasmal Deathray attack deals a lot more damage, enough to kill a player in one shot. The is a large flying mini-boss that spawns during the event. It has two phases, the first phase requiring its turrets to be destroyed before its core can be damaged. During its first phase, the saucer cycles through three attacks, wherein it either fires a barrage of lasers at the player, fires homing rockets or attempts to disintegrate the player with a large laser from its bottom.
Once the turrets have been downed, the mini-boss begins to quickly chase the player, rapidly sweeping and firing its death-ray attack upon them.