Urban Terror Musket
.IssueI just downloaded and installed Urban Terror 4.1 for MacOS, the problem is that I do not know how to install bots?SolutionNote that: Bots are no longer officially supported (due to bugs) and do not work on all maps. To enable bots:- Set /botenable '1' in the server.cfg or type it into the console and reload.- Next add the bots one by one with this command: /addbot type level team ping name. The types are: boa - cheetah - chicken - cobra - cockroach - cougar - goose - mantis - penguin - puma - python - raven - scarab - scorpion - tiger - widow. The level ranges from one to five. Teams: blue and red. The last two parameters are optional.Example: /addbot chicken 3 blue 100 Mr.botThanks to for this tip!
TODAY on the NAKED ASSASSIN SHOW.I say we should have a mass cull every 10-20 years to get rid of anyone who is a drain on society. That way the rest of us don't have to do stuff like finance care for other people's families or criminals who serve life sentences, people who refuse to work and never will, and so on. We could not sustain 1.5 million living zombies in the UK, so let's get fucking rid of them. Hell, if we don't kill them then lets build a moonbase and populate that fucker!!Also, we should STOP giving billion$ of dollar$ and ツ」ounds to African/Middle eastern/Asian countries in International Aid every year.
Soldiers could see a new rifle and larger round in a few years. Current adversaries such as the Islamic State terror group and others using. Official website for Urban Terror, a free multiplayer first person shooter video game by Frozen Sand.
This is our money, taxed from our people and companies and we are GIVING THAT SHIT AWAY. How about we keep it and spend it here and fix the problems in our own country, before we too become a third world country. If people want to raise money or make personal donations, fine. But I don't pay my taxes to give millions of pounds to fucking Somalia, who will just either fund weapons, or put it into shit that's going to get destroyed in their civil war anyway.LATER- we talk about how China will be the no1 superpower in the world by 2020.- interview with Britney Spears about how to get the best buzz cut deals.- we talk drugs and buttsecks with Jessica Alba- Anna Nicole Smith autopsy exxxclusive.- Oscars 2007 Wardrobe Malfunction and Spycam special.
Really, in teh old days, King George tried to tax tea, so we like blew, a boatload of dudes faces off with musket balls and poured that fkn tea into the drink! YAY IT's MFkng TEA PARTY BABY!1! My kinda guys.THE MOONBASE WAS MY FKN IDEA DAMMIT. Seriously, it's in a thread somewhere around here.China won't make it, unsustainable growth.collapse is coming.revolution?-Outta the frying pan, into teh fiya!mmm Jessica Alba mmmewww Anna Nicole.just.ewwwQuote. Also, we should STOP giving billion$ of dollar$ and ツ」ounds to African/Middle eastern/Asian countries in International Aid every year. This is our money, taxed from our people and companies and we are GIVING THAT crap AWAY. How about we keep it and spend it here and fix the problems in our own country, before we too become a third world country.
If people want to raise money or make personal donations, fine. But I don't pay my taxes to give millions of pounds to f'k Somalia, who will just either fund weapons, or put it into crap that's going to get destroyed in their civil war anyway.Quote. I don't want to f'k hear it anymore.I used to be all big on political discussions. Talking about who was right, who was wrong, and why. But that time has passed.I am pissed.I just got my bonus check from work Friday. They gave me an $1800 bonus!
I should be happy about this, right?Wrong.From that bonus check Uncle Sammy took $785 dollars. Almost HALF.And what do you think that money they took is going to?It's certainly not going to help the poor or the homeless in MY country. It's certainly not going to National defense, last I checked the National Guard is no longer tasked with protecting MY NATION. They certainly aren't fixing MY nation's infrastructure. Fighting wars in other nations?! FTW??!!So yeah, I'm pretty f'k pissed.
Pissed that the politicians in my country do not put My country first, second and third on thier list of priorities.Pissed that they think it's ok to GIVE MY MONEY away to other nations (like Israel!), even when these other nations are clearly not intending to do what they say, or even try to resolve their problems. Ok, so let them solve thier problems on thier own, with their own money.Pissed that they WASTED MY MONEY in Iraq (let's not even get into whether we should even BE there or not, that's an enitrely different rant, k?), because apparently Iraq is WAAAY WORST OFF because of the way things were executed and handled. By our statesmen and military (and Haliburton, who got a LOT of US tax dollars to. Mismanage things? Greeaat.).Pissed that the administration of my country has basically burned MY CONSTITUTION in the rush to 'make it easier to catch terrorists'. Funny thing is, is that the only people losing in this 'War on Terror' are the innocent people of Iraq, and the American citizen. More rights for the US citizen have been stripped away in the past six years than AT ANY OTHER TIME IN OUR SHORT HISTORY AS A NATION.
When you read the laws, and put them into context. The only thing you can really conclude is that these politicians are protecting themselves.from US?! Because laws like this punish the innocent, and do nothing to catch 'terrorists', as a matter of fact, the only thing these laws do is put those in power.

More securely in power.OH, and while we're on that subject, isn't terrorism a thoughtcrime? Is it not impossible to wage wars on ideas and ever 'win', ala the book 1984?!Here, here's the definition of terrorism, from the American Heritage Dictionary(boldcase is mine): n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.So the war on terror is not only a war on an idea(that's what ideological war means btw), but it's by definition a political war as well?And there's still people in this country who support this B.S.?! Are you (meaning these supporters) f'k stupid?!So don't talk to me about politics. I'm sick of it. I want to hear discussions on what can be done to these liars and thieves, who first lied to us about their intentions (they wanted the oil and nothing more), and then stole our money to do it.
Awkward turtle hand gesture. Thumb and pinky outstretched, other fingers tight against palm. Telephone.
F'k Them.I am done. Where are the pitchforks and the torches? We used to keep them close and handy that's the FKn problem.now.NO ONE can say where all the pitcforks have gone.Things didn't get this bad back in the day because politicians feared the wrath of the people, a town full of angry peaseants were smarter than the whole lot of us are now.
They would have tarred and feathered someone over having their income JACKED like they did yours shminky, and they would have been right to do so. I'd be ticked off too. As a protected class (a parent) I get jacked to a slightly lesser degree, (another poor policy) but it really doesn't matter it's the principle at stake that counts.They don't have the fear any longer. We, the collective in the United States are too busy passively soaking up input (behaviorial instruction) from the TV set instead of reading books and forms of active/interactive entertainment. Critical thinking is non-existant. Even the dissenters of today are sadly misguided and entirely oriented on red herrings, and the power brokers KNOW IT.I blame television. Tiny troopers alliance offline.
Kill your TV!!1!!!1!I'm just sooooo with you shminky, but what to do? The consolidation of power, and the subsequent erosions of individual liberty will continue, and it isn't a matter of party politics because both sides of the isle are populated by unworthy scum.We could start by demanding a drug free workplace in Congress and the White House, let's see what's in thier pee!
Let's give urine exams to the judiciary while we're at it, they are the creepiest lot out of the whole bunch of them, am I wrong? Do you know any judges? Tell me they aren't the creepiest sort out of the bunch. Tell me that these people, the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches of government are not on hard drugs.they MUST be high man. Not that it would necessarily help but it would be amusing to hear all of the 'I didn't inhale' stories then.I dunno man, I almost feel like it's already up to my kids to fix it.
We can hardly get a simple majority to agree on any issue that matters.Conservatives yank off spending time and treasure on idiotic crusades trying to persecute people based on what kind of substances they use/prefer, or what sort of sexual tendencies people have, how fkn stupid can it get?wait.don't answer that.Liberals are all busy ripping and tearing at Bush with all of the blind ambition of a lemming who is two slots shy of pole position in the race to the cliffs edge. They just can't stop re-living the 2k election and the single minded purpose with which they detract from the current administration on any possilbe level, logic/reasoning/and facts notwithstanding, is frightening as hell. Both sides scramble to achieve moral superiority but at the end of the day it comes down to money and power, and that is a very sad state of affairs for the rest of us.I'm so sick of it, I think I'll dissapear into a fictional computer generated three dimensional environment populated with weaponry and targets in order to give some vent to the frustration.Game on.