The Lost Ship
On November 29, 1925, the S.S. Cotopaxi set sail from Charleston, South Carolina, with a cargo of coal and a crew of 32. Charting a course for Havana, Cuba, the ship ran afoul of a tropical storm brewing near the Bermuda Triangle two days later and promptly disappeared.
Now, nearly a century later, a team of shipwreck hunters says it has finally identified the battered boat’s remains off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida, putting to bed decades of myths, ghost stories and seafaring lore that inevitably sprung up in the interim. The group’s underwater quest will be featured in the February 9 premiere of the Science Channel’s “Shipwreck Secrets” series.
“It was incredibly exciting,” Michael Barnette, a marine biologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who helped find the wreck, tells the Huffington Post’s Ed Mazza via email. “I’ve done a countless number of shipwreck dives but this one truly stood out.”
New mysteries await as you explore the Crashed Ship wreckage, bask in the glow of Deep Lilypads, experience the incredible beauty of the. The fourteenth movies in the series, The Lost Ship in the Sky, will be released on April 17, 2010. In the film's story, Kid has his eyes set on the 'Lady of the Sky' jewel aboard Bell 3, the largest airship in the world.
The discovery comes with an ironic twist: Researchers actually unknowingly homed in on the S.S. Cotopaxi’s marine graveyard nearly 35 years ago. The site, called Bear Wreck by fishers and divers, had long been known to contain a sunken ship, but scientists had struggled to pinpoint the vessel’s identity.
Then, some 15 years ago, Barnette began exploring Bear Wreck in earnest, building off of the hunch that it seemed to fit the circumstances of the Cotopaxi’s untimely end. Still, he says toCNN’s David Williams, the site lacked any sort of “smoking gun.”
Barnette adds, “We didn’t have a bell with a name on it, or anything like that.”
The marine biologist’s biggest breakthrough actually came on land, when he and his colleagues began to dig through court records, insurance paperwork and historical documents filed around the time of the ship’s disappearance. Radiation island switch review ign. The coordinates of the ship’s probable route, as well as written descriptions of the machinery on board, lined up neatly with the location and array of artifacts found at Bear Wreck. But one of the biggest clinchers manifested when British historian Guy Walters stumbled across a mention of a forgotten distress signal sent from the Cotopaxi on December 1, 1925, just a few dozen miles from the Florida shoreline.
From there, a probable story fell into place. Operating under harsh financial pressures, the ship likely left port ill-equipped to tussle with a tropical tempest, explains Barnette to USA Today’s Joel Shannon. In line with this theory, the team’s underwater excavations showed that even before the wreck, the vessel’s wooden hatch covers, intended to protect the cargo holds below deck from water, were in a state of disrepair. Hit by a monstrous, fast-moving storm near St. Augustine’s shallow waters, the already-fragile Cotopaxi and its crew probably met a swift but terrible end. The situation went from “bad to catastrophic in very short order,” Barnette tells CNN.
To further verify his findings, Barnette consulted researchers at a Smithsonian affiliate: the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum.
“When I saw the research [Barnette] did, I was pretty impressed,” says Chuck Meide, director of the museum’s St. Augustine Lighthouse Maritime Archaeological Program (LAMP), to CNN. “He had done a lot of archival research, and he had the plans of the Cotopaxi and he had the court records of the relatives of the crew that perished in the incident, who sued the owner of the company.”
What definitely didn’t play a role in the ship’s sinking is the infamous spook of the nearby Bermuda Triangle, whose boundaries lie in the vicinity of Bear Wreck. Over the years, the Cotopaxi has been one of many vessels tied to the region, which has fueled speculation on supernatural forces that have managed to “vanish” scores of ships and planes.

Most of these tall tales have been debunked, and when push comes to shove, the area doesn’t actually seem to be a hotspot for mysterious disappearances, according to NOAA.
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Because the ocean blankets about 70 percent of the planet’s surface, things are bound to go missing every once in a while. But there’s a silver lining, too: If the Cotopaxi is any evidence, these lost vessels do occasionally reappear.
| by Stephen Colbourn
▾Tags ▾LibraryThing Recommendations ▾Member recommendations None Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. No current Talk conversations about this book. Showing 4 of 4 Beginner, 1 Audio CD ChatterMatters Jul 18, 2018 Beginner, 1 Audio CD ChatterMatters Jul 12, 2018 I like this book because it is drama interesting and fancy ( ) getreadingadw Mar 30, 2010 DMC favourite. it nice book , and nice story took about strang ship in foggy hamad abdulla ali this book is take about the capten and a sailar. they are travel by ship. this book is mystery and i like mystery movce. ahmad yousef The book tell you about big ship and cabtain with people work with him. The cabtain it is writer and the people see big ship the cabtain say for him people go to the ship and they goes to ship after that he see him book. I like this book because it is mystry Rashid ahmed I like this book because Mystery first the captin its writer evrey day he write a not one day when he in see the captin is shoting hello is any bodythere after that he went another ship he saw his picture and his books ! Mohammed Walid Mohammed this story take about capten and the saler. the capten find alost ship. the is mystery book. mustafa hassan The captain and his men are looking at the strange ship.He went to ship no captain is there.And he looks the photograph of man face the are same his face.he run and he didnt see ant body there. Mohammed Ghanim It about the strange shipe on the ocean. The captain lost in the strange ship because he saw it and he enter this shipe but he never saw his sailar. It is very scarde story and it is mystrey Ahmad Khalid Al Shaiji it is good story and easy to read , the story about the ship lost in sea and the man find the ship yousef abdulla yousef thes book tolkaing abuot sea I don't like this book because the end of this story i did not like it i dont like it because i dont like a ship I dont like is book because the ending is in the ship I like this book becaues good MYSTERY I like this book because a word easi I like this book because is small and I like ship i like this book because i like reading about ship I Like this book because this story is Mysterious & short ( ) getreadingdmc Jun 3, 2008 Showing 4 of 4 ▾Published reviews ▾Common Knowledge
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