Starpoint Gemini 2 Best Ships
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Escape feels good. It’s a great thing space games are back, because I want to get off-world. And happily, Starpoint Gemini 2, the new open-universe, ship-centric RPG from Little Green Men Games.
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Read the Rules in the Sidebar! There aren't many, but they're important! I have about 70 hours into Starpoint Gemini 2, but I heavily recommend Rebel Galaxy over it.Overall, they are both budget space games with similar relative features/limitations/complexity.Combat in Rebel Galaxy is 10x more fun than Startpoint Gemini 2. It is balanced, smooth, and feels like a mix of space combat and pirate ship combat. The reason I equate it to pirate ship combat is that Rebel Galaxy ships have a powerful broadside weapon in addition to the normal turrets, and you can only fire your broadside weapon if the enemy is in view of the side of your ship and in relatively close proximity.
Reminds me of a pirate ship sailing right up along the side of an enemy ship and opening fire.Rebel Galaxy has better campaign missions, whereas the Starpoint Gemini 2 missions were so bad and with such terrible voice acting that I couldn't bring myself to continue them.Music in Rebel Galaxy sounds like a mix of Firefly and Sons of Anarchy so you feel like a vigilante in space. There is also an option to upload your own music into the game instead if you prefer.In Rebel Galaxy you can finish the campaign regardless of what faction you join (pirates, militia, mercantile, etc), whereas the Starpoint Gemini 2 campaign makes you follow a certain faction path.I haven't played as a trader or miner in either game, but it seems to be limited for both. I have both, but I can't be much help, because I think they're both great. They're very similar in concept to each other, both look and play very well, and both will give you plenty of hours of exploring, trading, mining, fighting, salvaging, configuring weapon & equipment loadouts, and saving up for new ships & upgrades.RG is perhaps a bit prettier, flashier and slick-looking, with a bit more of a modern presentation, plenty of action, and a killer slide blues-rock soundtrack. It's also optimised for use with a controller.SG2 feels a bit more serious, with the tranquil pace and melancholy atmosphere that I like in space games, complete with a context-appropriate ambient soundtrack. Control is fine using mouse & KB.If you enjoyed Freelancer, you won't go far wrong with either one. I'm Community Manager in LGM Games (Starpoint Gemini) and you may say I'm biased but I'm also a gamer and I played all space games since 1986.As for the question, I think it depends.
Combat in those games can't really be compared. SPG2 has tactical combat in 3D space, while Rebel Galaxy has naval combat in 2D plane. SO combat is totally different and both games offer completely different experiences.
Is Rebel Galaxy fun? I have about 50 hours in it. But there are differences so I will try to compare and not draw any conclusions.Gameplay:. RG is more arcade like and yes, it's fun.
But combat mechanics are more similar to Assassin's Creed: Black Flag then Freelancer. SPG2 is harder and has more tactical approach because of 3D plane. Well, we have people with over 2k hours in the game.Music:.
RG has space cowboys music, it's bloody fantastic, adds to atmosphere of intense space combat. Example. SPG2 has ambiental chillout soundtrack, which is relaxing and people generaly like it.
Example Graphics:. RG is more colorful. SPG2 is darker, colder.Ships:. RG has 21 ship (not sure if they added more post release).
SPG2 has 75 different ships available for purchase or capture.Universe:. RG has smaller maps but in layers and you travel between them. SPG2 has one large map streamed without any loading screensDev team:. RG was made by Eric and Trevor which are legends, worked on Diablo in Blizz North if I'm not mistaken.
They were very active on forum and showed dedication. LGM Games started as 4 people team, made SPG, then grew up to 12 people on SPG2 and now counts over 25 people for new Starpoint Gemini Warlords project. LGM is known for their honest approach to players and activity on forum.Campaign:. Ryzom wiki occupations 2016. RG's campaign is better, more fun and with better voice acting. SPG2 campaign is longer, I think.
Campaign is not the primary focus of SPG2, it never was. It's a sandbox game, campaign is here just to give you background on the Gemini universe.I have both and I like both. I also like Elite: Dangerous, been playing it since beta, I like X series, I tried Ceres too. All those games offer different experiences so there is no reason not to have and play them both.
Choice between RG and SPG2 is a choice between fruits and vegetables, it comes down to your choice not the fact that one is better then the other.