Hidden Agenda Definition
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English hidden agenda hidden agenda the a plan or that you do not tell other people about – used to show Voters suspected a hidden political agenda. Was there a hidden agenda behind this decision?
In the seventeenth century, a vision arose which was to captivate the Western imagination for the next three hundred years: the vision of Cosmopolis, a society as rationally ordered as the Newtonian view of nature. While fueling extraordinary advances in all fields of human endeavor, this vision perpetuated a hidden yet persistent agenda: the delusion that human nature and society could be. Hidden agenda definition: If you say that someone has a hidden agenda, you are criticizing them because you think. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Log In Dictionary.
→ Examples from the Corpus hidden agenda. Although the work of the group is elsewhere, I feel I've considerably from the hidden agenda. The Implementation Group has no hidden agenda. Instead, you will find hidden agendas and other problems continuing to your and change. Rollcage ps1. There is frequently a hidden agenda in the use of games. Even this may still leave some hidden agendas beneath the.
What, however, was part of the hidden agenda of. For on for hidden agendas or surfacing them, see Games on 71. It is only because of our and hidden agendas that we don't always get what we think we want.