H1z1 Just Survive Guide
H1Z1An open-world survival-horror game produced by Daybreak Games. H1Z1 has players attempt to stay alive amidst a post-apocalyptic where zombies have ravaged most of the population. Players must eat, drink, sleep, and battle both the undead, and other survivors in order to stay alive.H1Z1 is currently in Alpha, meaning it is being tested and frequently updated and changed, sometimes dramatically, to how the community responds.
Glitches, errors, bugs, and other technical issues occur sometimes while playing H1Z1, but are corrected pretty consistantly. H1Z1 may glitch, crash, or otherwise be unpredictible, and patience and an open-mind is important when playing so as to not become frustrated.Weapons and other gear are periodically added, or changed as H1Z1 progresses. These updates include various types of firearms, melee weapons, and craftable weapons the player can make.The Community Marketplace allows for the trading, purchasing, and selling of clothing skins, weapons and equipment skins, and airdrop tickets. Crates are randomly dropped to players of H1Z1. Each player recieves a key when the game is first purchased, as well as a new crate everytime one is released. Additional crates and keys can be purchased in the marketplace.Players can Build Bases in order to create defenses and store equipment. Bases allow players endless customization on design, allowing for cooking, crafting, and even a garage to store a car.H1Z1 is a third-person game, but allows players to switch between third-person and first-person on most servers.
Particular servers are locked so that players may only use the first-person perspective.It is recommeded that players switch between third-person and first-person as they see fit, if a particular point-of-view benefits the player's shooting, field of view, angle, or gameplay experience. Person W - ForwardS - BackA - Strafe LeftD - Strafe RightE - UseH - Toggle HUDTab/I - InventoryB - Switch Firing Mode/Arrow TypeC - CrouchQ - PushV - Change StanceR - ReloadT - First-/Third-Person View ToggleX - SitZ - Prone= - Auto-runLeft Alt - Free LookSpacebar - JumpShift - Sprint/Steady-Aim (Scoped Weapons)Mouse 1 - AttackMouse 2 - Look Down SightsMouse Wheel - Next/Previous Weapon1 - Open Hand2 - Weapon 13 - Weapon 24 - Weapon 35 - Epuipment 16 - Equipment 2Numpad 1: Team ChatNumpad 4: Proximity ChatNumpad 7: Radio Chat.
Your ability to craft is one of various abilities in H1Z1 that can very well keep you among the living. As a survivor, your only chance at making it is to scavenge and use everything at your disposal.
Vehicle W - ForwardS - BackA - Turn LeftD - Turn RightSpacebar - Handbrake← - Look Left→ - Look Right↑ - Look Up↓ - Look DownE - Enter/Exit VehicleG - Toggle LightsX - Toggle Sirens (Police Cruiser)L - Lock/Unlock VehicleK - Turn vehicle on/offShift - TurboCtrl + 1 - Seat 1Ctrl + 2 - Seat 2Ctrl + 3 - Seat 3Ctrl + 4 - Seat 4It is recommended that players change any key bindings that they are more comfortable with or will otherwise benefit their gameplay experience. Keep controls easily accessibly to stay responsive. When starting a character on any H1Z1 server, the player must select a pre-exisitng range of characters available to choose from. They must then name said character. Character names may not contain spaces or certain symbols and must be unique. No two names on the same server may be the same. The same name, however, may be used on another server, if it is not already taken.Characters Include:Young White MaleOlder White MaleYoung White FemaleOlder White FemaleYoung Black MaleYoung Black FemaleCharacters alter physical appearance only and do not change the stats of the player in any way.
Each character looks different and wears different styles and colors of underwear. Regardless ofcharacter selected, players will spawn with random stock clothing.Each server requires players to create a character, and regardless of death, players will spawn in the same character, and the same name, unless that character is deleted and a new one is created.H1Z1 is currently in the process of creating a system whereby players may select a pervious occupation for their character, which would in turn alter the characters stats in-game. Health A player's health in H1Z1 is lowered when a player is struck by a zombie, hit or cut by another player's melee weapon, shot by a gun, bleeding from a wound, being set on fire, or falling.Health will regenerate slowly over time but can also be raised by medical supplies such as gauze, bandages, dressed bandages, and first aid kits. Each bandage restores 10% health.Directional Markers will appear on screen in red to tell the player which direction they were hit from.Bleeding or being Set on Fire will continually lower a player's health until the fire in extinguished, or the bleeding has ceased on its own, or player heals with medical supplies. Stamina Stamina allows players to effectively run, fight, and heal correctly.SprintingRunning for long periods of time drains a player's stamina. At 60% Stamina, a player will start to breath heavy, and run slower.
At 20% player's breaths heavier and slows down further.At 0% the player will stop running to catch their breath, and move very slowly until it is recovered.SleepingPeriodically while playing, one will become tired and need to rest on a bed, mattress, or sleeping mat. Eternal sonata ending song. Resting taking 20 seconds. Not sleeping will result in the player becoming Very Tired.Being Very Tired will begin to drain the player's stamina to 0% until they rest.SubstancesCoffee with Sugar will replenish a player's stamina, as well as remove a player being tired.Swizzle is a player crafted drug causing players to hallucinate, but boosts stamina.Adrenaline Shot increases stamina to max, stops drain and increases sprint speedBoth Swizzle and Adrenaline Shot have negative effects on stamina recovery and health post-effect. Weapon Repair All weapons in H1Z1 have a durability, which is slowly depleted with each use of the weapon. Weapons can be repaired with weapon repair kits.Weapon Repair Kits can be found in wrecked cars and trucks or taken from other players. Depending on the weapon, repair kits fix 250 or 500 durability, and are single-use.Gun Repair Kits can be crafted by breaking down guns into gun parts using a workbench.
Parts can be made into a Gun Repair Kit, fixing gun durability more than a standard weapon repair kit.Max Durability is the highest level of durability a weapon has, essentially how often the weapon can be used without being repaired. If a player dies with a weapon, the max durabiity is reduced by 200. Each time a player is killed with the weapon, the max durability is further reduced.If an item's durability reaches 0, the item will break, resulting in a Broken Metal Item, depending on the item, which can be used in crafting. Equipment Various items can be found throughout the map that helps players survive. A wide variety of vehicle and vehicle parts are available in H1Z1VehiclesATVJeepPolice CruiserPick-up TruckVehicles PartsSparkplugsTurboBatteryHeadlightsFuelVehicles require a Battery, Fuel, and Sparkplugs to be operationalVehicles are found over the H1Z1 map, usually missing one or more partsTurbos are vehicle-specific, and are not needed to use the car.
(Nor or Headlights)Using the turbo, despite increasing the vehicle's speed, uses more fuel.Vehicle doors can be locked to prevent other players from entering themVehicles can be repaired using a wrenchAnimal Fat can be cooked on a fire to create BiofuelCorn can be turned into Ethanol and used as FuelIt is recommended players remove sparkplugs to prevent others from stealing vehicles. Timeline H1Z1 has a variety of lore, rumors, stories, and legends regarding the Zombie Outbreak found through map details and clues located aroung the map.Location Due to the nature of the types of characters available for selection, the signs and other features of buildings being written in English, and the title of the map being 'Anywhere, U.S.A.' , H1Z1 takes place in the United States in an unnamed area of the country.H1Z1 VirusThe Zombie Outbreak began due to the H1Z1 virus infection people rapidly all over the globe. Wartune forum. At the Hospital, notes and medical items can be found implying that Doctors and Scientists attempted to fight and cure the spread of H1Z1. Players can become infected over the course of the game.Scattered NotesPlayers can find scraps of paper with scribbled notes written by people as the H1Z1 outbreak began to take place.
These notes are written by Doctors, Military Personal, Parents, and Children. The Hand-Drawn Map has notations written by players regarding the H1Z1 outbreak.Military PresenceLocated around the map are Military Checkpoints as well as a full Military Base and scattered outposts which implies heavy military action prior to the start of the H1Z1 game. Military clothing, weapons, and equipment can be found all over the map. This leads players to infer that the United States military attempted to fight back against he Zombie Outbreak, yet lost, as there are no NPC military personal within the game.
Bases of various sizes, styles, and equipable of varied amenities are craftable in H1Z1. Base RaidingUsing Explosives, players can damage the health of another player's structures.Explosives vary in effectiveness, with I.E.D.s being the most effective for raiding another player's base. Once a door or gate has been destroyed, players can enter the base and raid the items stored within. The expolsions are loud and attract other players, including the base owners. It is best to store as many explosives as possible before attempting a raid.
There are several ways for players to communicate with one another in H1Z1Hand SignalsPlayers can use several different Emotes to convey messages to other players, especially if they do not have a microphone. Emotes such as 'Wave' and 'Hands Up' and 'Follow Me' may be important when interacting with other players so as to stay alive.Proximity ChatUsing Proximity Chat, players can use their microphone to speak within the H1Z1 world up to a certain distance, wherein it will no longer be audiable to players outside that range. Chatting this way allows all other players to hear conversation and gives away location, and can attract zombies.Emergency Crank RadioA device that is found randomly throughout the H1Z1 map, Emergency Crank Radios allows players to communicate with other players anywhere on the map, so long as they both have a radio. Radio's can be turned on/off, and have 40 channels to choose from.Group ChatPlayers can use Group Chat to speak with each other without any other players outside the group being able to listen. Regardless of distance, much like the radio, players using group chat will always hear their group members, and non-members will never be able to hear.
GroupsPlayers can start and then invite other players into a Group, which outlines group members making them more visible, including through walls, adds a green arrow to show members from a distance, and highlights their name above their head as either yellow or green whether they are the the leader. Group Leaders can add/remove players, as well as transfer their leadership of the group to another player.
Group member names are listed on the left of the screen in yellow and green, and turn red when they player has been killed. There are several types of Zombies that vary in damage ratio, and special abilities.ZombiesInfected persons are located all over the H1Z1 Map, and present a danger to all survivors.
Despite causing low levels of damage, large numbers of Zombies can quickly overrun players. Enough damage from Zombies over time can cause a player to become infected with the H1Z1 virus.Zombie WalkerZombie RunnerZombies are scattered all over the world, but are more densely located within Major Cities and other more populated areas of the map. Zombies can be found in drips-and-drabs throughout the forrests of H1Z1, but are mostly located within cities and other man-made structures.Zombies may be laying down, eating a corpse, fighting an animal, or crouched, making sneaking up on players possible. They are attracted to noise, including gunshots, proximity chat, and campfires, qucikly surrounding groups of players.Zombies vary appearance, wearing mostly stock clothing that can be found throughout the world. Special Clothing zombies are most likely carrying loot, as players whom die, once their bag disappears, will turn into items on a Zombie including weapons. Zombies may always have loot. Special Zombies Several Special Zombie types exist, with powerful attacks and lootScreamer MutationMutated Screamer Zombies are have their arms restrained, as these zombies were attempted to be contained at the start of the outbreak.
These zombies will approach players and scream loud enough to disorient the player, attract hostile players, and draw in all zombies in the area. Screamers can be killed like any other zombies, but breaking their restraints unleashing their powerful attack.
It is best to kill Screamers quickly.Gasser MutationAn advanced stage of the H1Z1 Virus, Gassers will excrete a noxious gas which disorients and blinds the player. As well as beings to choke them causing health loss. The more time the player does not kill the Gasser, the more gas will be unleashed, increasing the effect radius.Exploder MutationSome really advanced stages of the H1Z1 Virus allow the host to destroy itself in an explosion, causing damage and spreads the H1 virus over a large radius, infecting both players and other zombies in the area, causing them to develop the expolsive trait. Unoffical QuestsHospital Keys: Scattered throughout the H1Z1 Map are Locker Keys with different numbers on them. Locker Keys can be brought to the Hospital to open lockers which despense ammunition and hospital clothing.
Multiple keys can be used on the same locker without diminishing turnout.Chest Keys: Within the loot bags of dead zombies, players can potentially find a Chest Key with a Note containing a location of a chest, several of which are located all around the map. Opening the chest rewards the player with weapons, ammo, and equipment.Holiday Items: During holiday events, such as Halloween and Christmas, players can acquire holiday-themed skins by killing zombies wearing the item. These zombies must be killed with melee weapons or the skin will not appear in the loot bag. Airdrop Tickets can be acquired through random drops, found in the H1Z1 world, and as a reward.Using an Airdrop Ticket calls in an airplane which drops one of several types of crates containing various items; weapons, ammunition, building materials, special food, and other survival itemsAirdrop CratesThe Cavemancontains a wooden bow, 2 bundles of wooden arrows, a torch, and a waist pack.The Weldercontains a wrench, a hammer, 4 metal sheets, 2 pipes, and a weapon repair kit.The Mediccontains 2 first aid kits,? H1Z1 has several different types of Servers that vary in rules and limitations.Server TypesEvery Server Types has a Player v.
Player (PvP), or Player v. Environment (PvE) status.