Band Stars Cheats
Our Band Stars guide will help you rock out with the best.
Band Stars Cheats And Tips Review
Band Stars Hack Apk - is an apk file, which you can install on your Android smartphone and get unlimited resources in the game. This Band Stars Hack also can be used on iOS devices, the only thing you need to download ipa file below (not APK).
While the gameplay overall leaves a little something to be desired, Band Stars definitely has some management elements that a certain type of gamer will like. As it's free-to-play, there's certainly no harm in finding out whether that applies to you. We published our review of the game earlier today, now here are all of our top tips for getting started.
How does band management work in Band Stars?
You start out by enlisting four band members, although you can add two more through auditions and hires once you've made enough money with your initial group. The more people you have, the better variety you can have in your tracks, and the more opportunities you have for going solo.
How do you record songs in Band Stars?
The first thing you'll need to do is write the song. For this, you want someone who's good in two categories - Lyrics and Creativity. Once the song is good to go, you record it, and set up each of the members based on their skills. You need to look at all five general categories - Lyrics, Creativity, Melody, Rhythm and Polish. Move instruments around until you can find a good balance between all of your members, then get to jamming.
How do you mix songs in Band Stars?
You want someone who's good at Polish in charge of the mixing process, which will make sure the song has the right balance to it. Once you've got it done, you can name your song and watch it climb up the charts. The better you perform on a song overall, the more Inspirado you earn, and the more coins you'll pick up from album sales.
How does Inspirado work in Band Stars?
You earn Inspirado based on your band chemistry and how well you do with your songs. The higher it goes, the more likely you are to draw in talented band members - and keep your own chemistry going.
How do fans work in Band Stars?
The more songs you perform - and the more diverse your performances are - the more fans you'll draw in. As it gets higher, you'll be able to compare your performances with friends. You'll need to log into the game in order to do this.
Do I need to recharge my band members in Band Stars?
Yes, and there are two ways to do it. The first is with energy drinks, and you start off with 10 of these. These refill their energy to the max each time, although you may opt to purchase more once you run out.
The second way is to help them relax using a hot tub or by playing a video game, items you can purchase and add to the studio. This takes a little longer to refill though, and some equipment will require a lengthy delivery time (unless you spend a couple of energy drinks to speed things up, of course). It beats paying real money for drinks though.
How does training help band members in Band Stars?
Training your band members in key areas, like Rhythm, Melody or Creativity, helps them mesh better with the band overall, although it takes a good amount of coins to make sure they're properly trained. You'll want to make sure you have enough earnings before you start dabbling in training, but you'll need it eventually.
How do I hire new band members in Band Stars?
You'll first need to hold an audition to get potential band members interested, and you'll need a lot of coins to do so. From there, you'll have about an hour to hire them, or they'll leave out of sheer boredom. You'll need to pay about 20,000 coins at first to make permanent hires, and then bring in others if you feel like filling in the sixth slot.
A new band member adds extra chemistry to a band, and can also bring in additional fans. However, keep in mind you'll need to pay serious money before making this move.
How do challenges work in Band Stars?
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Challenges randomly pop up and provide you with additional rewards for your band, such as extra drinks, coins and accessories. These might train members in certain areas, allow you to hire a new band member, or let someone do a solo. Complete these and you'll level up as well, unlocking a new tier of rewards.
Do I need to buy anything in Band Stars?
Eventually, if you're serious about making your band successful, you'll need to pay for coins and drinks. These will allow you to acquire additional Inspirado, band members, instrument skins, furniture, and upgrades for both your gear and solos. Some of these are purely cosmetic, like the instrument skins, while others make your chemistry with the band much smoother overall.
It's completely optional though, and only the most hardcore fans will really want to make an investment. Everyone else can casually play and have a good time.
Band Stars Cheats And Tips Review
Download Band Stars - iPhone & iPad
Band Stars started off on Facebook and Google+, and is now one of the most popular games on the iOS and Android platforms! Your goal is to start a band, write all kinds of songs, and then build your band from a local nobody to a global sensation gradually. You’ll record songs, manage and upgrade your band members, and even upgrade your instruments. Read on for the top twelve tips and tricks for Band Stars!
12) Use your Inspirado to write the best songs that you can.
Inspirado is used to play solos during recording. You can get more Inspirado quickly by having your band members do free jams when you aren’t in the middle of recording, and when you have some leftover energy to spare. Save it up so that you can use it for solos in the middle of recording.
11) Have every band member play a solo in the same song to send it skyrocketing up the charts.
The more solos you play, the farther up the charts you go, and as you go farther up the charts, your income will skyrocket exponentially. A song with solos from every band member can earn you more than 5 songs played without solos, so inspirado is extremely important!
10) Find a perfect match of music and lyrics to improve every other statistic of your song.
You can play all of the solos that you want, but you will have a very tough time going as high up the charts as you want to unless you get a perfect match of music and lyrics. Some lyrical topics and music styles are very easy to match; others, not so much.
9) Want to erase an imperfect match before you record a song? Cheat!
Shut the app off after you pick the music and lyrics (or shut the browser window if you are playing on Facebook) in order to reverse the pick. Reopen the app and then you’ll be right where you were before you began recording. Once you are back there, you can hit record again, and pick music and lyrics again. This cheat can be done as many times as you want.
8) Don’t waste coins. Make sure that you have everything you need before you recruit new band members.
You’ll need far more than just the coins to put the ad out. You will also need to have enough coins to hire the new band members, which costs FAR more than the audition does. Plus, you will need a VIP room, which can only be purchased using energy drinks, if your main room is full. Tl;dr: have enough coins and energy drinks so that you don’t waste money.
7) Want to change instruments in order to complete a challenge? Start picking different genres of music until you find one that uses that instruments that you want.
Do this, and if you are afraid of your band members running out of energy, then do the same trick that you did with the music and lyrics matches – if the song doesn’t have the right instrument, then cut the game off, and then restart the app after you do that. Or, just keep recording and recording over and over, so that you can have as many songs as you can.